Sportsline 台灣 的關鍵優勢
Sportsline 台灣 最特別的地方在哪裡?
*物理治療師 - 確保傷害最有效率的恢復和使傷害最小化,加快會員恢復至一般健康狀態
***肌力與體能教練 - 確保體能訓練的最高標準,透過增強肌肉和體能來提升運動表現
“如果你能讓2個領域的專家在他們(專家)不斷交流的地方共同合作、工作,那麼你就能擁有與職業運動員相同的優勢”! (Marco Nunez - 洛杉磯湖人隊運動傷害防護總監)
Sportsline’s Key Advatage
What is so special about Sportsline?
Sportsline’s system mirrors the elite and highly efficient & effective structure of NBA’s Interdisciplinary Coaching which is needed to ensure top health, fitness and performance from multi-million $ players.
Just like in the NBA every one of our members has access to 2 types of coaches operating in full synergy:
*Physio – Ensures fast recovery and minimal injury
*Strength & Conditioning – Ensures that the highest standards in fitness training are done in order to build muscle and body strength
By having all 2 coaches operating in full-synergy our members are guaranteed: The quickest and safest pathway to reaching their fitness goals
“If you can have all 2 services working in synergy in one location where they (the coaches) are in constant communication, than you have the same advantage that a professional athlete has”! (Marco Nunez – Head Athletic Trainer of L.A. Lakers) Click the link above to book a consultation today 認識Sportsline-免費諮詢和運動表現測試